The first step for Trademark registration is to specify the category of your application. The trademark is the visual representation of a word, signature, name, label and devices. It can be the combination of colours, or the combination of pattern or anything else. Do you ever think why trademarks are used for? Trademarks are the unique identity of goods and services and is used to separate or make different category from others. The trademark category is the identification mark of the goods and services. We can identify the product which belong to the category as well. The mark ought to be capable of drawing in papers, and should have some characteristics to distinguish that from others. The trademark is the very important part according to a business or brand in all over Tamilnadu. The trademark can also secure your website, Domain, Logo and Wordmark. Registration can be done in two ways. One is online mode and other one is Physical filing. In the contemporaneous times e-filing is better and sensible.
It is advisable to do such trademark search to avoid similarities with the existing systems.
Application Filing should be done in the office of the Trademark Registry within the territorial limit.
The Examination report will generated according to the data with the existing and pending trademarks.
Application publication will be done only after or before of the acceptance in the trademark journal.
If any opposition within 3 months from publication, it can be extended to one month.
If opposition is favour of the applicant then trademark and registration certificate also get generated.
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I'm a very happy client of Solubilis, got registered successfully three different trademarks in a short period of time for my firm.
A good trademark should be easy to speak, spell and remember. But the trademark should not similar to the geographical words, personal names or surnames. It can be any of the invented words. Avoid quality describing words like super, good, best, extraordinary etc. Try to make everything simple. Get advises from the best trademark attorneys or consultants to avoid mistakes.
Trademark has certain functions in the modern business conditions. Those are discussed below.
We can remove the mark from the registrar to state that the mark is wrongly remaining on the register. Likewise, the registrar also has the full rights to remove the marks with stating some reasons.
Trademark owners are having the full rights and benefits from the registered trademark. They can avoid the unwanted access of his/her trademark from others.
Registered trademarks are valid for approximately 10 years from the filing date. After the mentioned 10 years he can also apply for the renewal of trademark registration.
Contact our trademark attorney for registration and guidance. Our expert team is here to help you out